Dear McDonalds, CookOut, Little Caesar's, Zaxby's~ I regret to inform you that I must end this relationship we've been having. Yes, I'll admit it, I've been seeing more than one of you at a time. While my taste buds enjoyed your salty fatty foods, my body did not. It's given me an ultimatum that I can't ignore. My knees are screaming at me, my back sends me hate mail, and my blood pressure is threatening a strike. You had me in your grips for way too long, and one of us has to go, so it's going to be me........... Yep-I'll admit it-I LOVE fast food. Hey, it's fast! And easy-someone else does the cooking AND the cleaning of the kitchen. All I have to do is give them my money and eat it. I don't even have to walk in their establishment!! Wow-what a fabulous world. Wait, hold up. That shit's killing me! LEt's see if I can do this right for a change. Now I am asking the clerk at the store, "Where are the jicama sticks?",...