I have such a heavy heart tonight. One friends son was critically injured in an IED blast yesterday-in one split second his life was altered forever. Several more friends sons or daughters are fighting for our freedom-in harms way; while their parents try not to hold their breath-waiting for that same sort of phone call. Other of my friends are suffering the hurt and pain of marriages crumbling-a pain I know all too well. I have other friends who are battling illnesses-some of which may prove to be too much of a battle. What do you say to people in these situations. "I'm sorry", sounds so inadequate; "I am praying for you" should go without saying. You can't say "God has a plan and a reason", because that isn't what they want to hear. I guess sometimes, saying nothing except, "I am here for you" is okay. I wondered earlier this year-ALOT-why I was going through the trials I was going through. Had I done something to deserve it...