
Showing posts from October, 2010


I have such a heavy heart tonight.  One friends son was critically injured in an IED blast yesterday-in one split second his life was altered forever.  Several more friends sons or daughters are fighting for our freedom-in harms way; while their parents try not to hold their breath-waiting for that same sort of phone call.  Other of my friends are suffering the hurt and pain of marriages crumbling-a pain I know all too well.  I have other friends who are battling illnesses-some of which may prove to be too much of a battle.  What do you say to people in these situations. "I'm sorry", sounds so inadequate; "I am praying for you" should go without saying. You can't say "God has a plan and a reason", because that isn't what they want to hear.  I guess sometimes, saying nothing except, "I am here for you" is okay.  I wondered earlier this year-ALOT-why I was going through the trials I was going through.  Had I done something to deserve it...

I got it.......

Today was Haiti Day at TLC.  Some of us who just returned from the mission trip to Haiti were to speak, and try to instill in others the desire to go to Haiti- to "Come and See".  I am a very emotional person-those of you who know me well, know that I can't even pray most of the time without crying at least a little. That's just me-it's the way my feelings ooze out-and when the Holy Spirit shows up-it REALLY oozes!  I thought before going to Haiti, "Man, I'm going to be a blubbering mess the whole time I am there."  It didn't happen.  I only cried twice-and neither of those times happened when I thought they would-like when I walked into the childrens ward at the Justinein Hospital and saw 17 babies in cribs in a small room. The last stop for some of them.  I didn't cry when I was working triage and saw malnourished babies and moms. I didn't cry when Teresa told me that one of the women we met was trying to give her baby to her to bring h...

Trusting God Is Faith~

Today Friday-October 15, 2010- Habakkuk 1:5) That's my T.G.I.F.  It's so true, and I have learned that more than ever this year.  People have commented how inspired they are by me. I don't take any credit for that, because it isn't me at all. It's God-He's all there is-EVER!!!  Nothing else really matters without Him.  I hope I can continue to inspire and lift others up, as so many have done for me this last year. Today is our journey home.  No words, ANYWHERE will ever be able to fully convey what God has done this week.  I will tell you all about it when I return.  Until we speak again-tell me your favorite sotry of Faith-either in you or someone else. Then you too can inspire someone else! Have a FABULOUS weekend!! Much love~ Rhonda~ ·          Hearts to soak in all they learned and experienced ·          This to not just be a week of memories but for hearts to continu...

Thankful Thursday~

Today-October 14, 2010- (Psalm 51:12)- Today we will visit Phaeton for possible future work, and then return to Cap-Haitien for the night.  I can't believe it's gone by already!  I am sure I am tired-but I know God will restore me physically; and rev up my engine for our travel home, and sharing of what God did in my life, and the lives of others this week! Please pray specifically for~      Direction and vision for future work in Haiti, and Joy   in the Lord and laughter with each other.     Here's a huge SHOUT out to my beautiful daughter Beka! I love you Baby and I will be home soon!  I am SO thankful for her, and for God having the faith in me to raise her. What or who are you thankful for today?       Much love in Christ~      Rhonda   ~ R   

Wonderful Wednesday~

Today Wednesday October 13, 2010- (Isaiah 40:28-31) Greetings from Haiti!!  Today we will hold yet another medical clinic. Those of you who know me well, know I always wanted to work in the medical field, so I am in HEAVEN!!!  I love caring for others, and so when I did my spiritual gifts class last year-it was no surprise to me that one of my gifts is compassion.  I am thankful to God for that gift. Please pray specifically for~ ·     God to renew our strength and energy Boldness to share the Goo d news of Christ with everyone they meet!! Do a random act of Chirst-ness today for someone! Rhonda~