
Showing posts from February, 2011

Animal tales..........

I am back, did you miss me?  It's been a busy, weird, stressful but still good 4 months. I am sorry- I PROMISE never to be away that long again. My name is Rhonda, and I am an animalholic.  I know, I don't think that's a real word either-but it fits.  It's really mostly dogs, but I love all animals-some more than others (spiders are NOT considered an animal, right??). I could blame it on my mom, but I really think my father is to blame. After all, it is he who used to raise Beagles, for rabbit hunting. Sometimes we had 30 dogs (including puppies) at once. My sister Kellie and I quickly became addicted to puppy breath. They should really just go ahead and make a body spray out of that ever-lovin stuff! Anyway-my Dad would leave for work, and tell us "Now don't ya'll go and ruin those pups." What he really meant was this, "Don't go in the pen and love on 'em, and pet 'em, let them crawl over and lick you, and make them pets instead of wo...