Returning the favor~

This time last year my sister was fighting for her life in ICU. She'd developed (what her Dr's referred to as "The Perfect Storm-an unexplainable complete blockage of the iliac artery). No one could say why this occurred, they've even made her a case study for this. She had a TOTAL blockage due to a HUGE blood clot in her iliac artery from her ankle into her groin. Usually this happens due to a chronic condition, but hers happened within days of a 2 part back surgery. After it was determined they had saved her life, there was still concern about the health of her leg and tissue.

Kellie is active and helps so many people, she's an excellent caregiver, has a zest for life, loves to laugh, loves my girl like her own, has ALWAYS been there for me, and will always be if she can. She's a wonderful daughter, sister, mom, grandma, wife, friend, and warrior for God!  My sister Kellie has been the spiritual anchor for me since my mom has developed Alzheimer's and doesn't remember us, or communicate with us. She's faithful to God's word, very active in intercessory prayer and bible study groups. She's knowledgeable about God's word, and studies it regularly. Let's just say this will be true about when she gets to Heaven~

God brought her through that last health battle and she's made a great recovery!  Enter melanoma...........yes. I said Melanoma. Tuesday my sister will speak with a highly trusted surgical oncologist regarding a biopsy that revealed she has invasive melanoma.  So here's where all of my prayer warriors come in. She now needs your prayers. Many of your names have touched her heart and lips when I've asked her to pray for you and/or your families. Can you please do the same for her?  We KNOW that worrying won't change anything, but praying CAN!! If it's God's will. I love you, and appreciate so much you're prayers on her behalf.

I love you all~


  1. Oh my gosh! How you are too sweet and kind to me. Yea, I'm keeping Him busy because He has to keep me in line. That's the only thing I can figure about how He keeps allowing me to trek across all these valleys. Praise His name that I've always noticed the little things that pass others by. They encourage me because it reminds me that He cares for the, seemingly, most unimportant details. And that I also get to trek across His mountains too. If I never walked into the valleys, how would I know to look up? And there, see the mountains, just waiting for me. Yes, He will welcome me with open arms. But, for now, I envision Him just shaking His head and rolling His eyes at me, with a slight smile on His radiant face, saying, "Kellie, Kellie, Kellie."

  2. Sweet, sweet, sweet reply, Kellie! Love your sister, and you by proxy! I'll be praying for you in this newest valley.


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