Life Happens….


Who knew that Dunkin’ Donuts had the best life phrase out there? So so much has happened in our lives this last few months. My daughter and I just both started new amazing jobs. And then the first week, she developed a kidney infection with a vengeance which resulted in bacteria in her bloodstream. So into the hospital she went for a couple of days of IV antibiotics. Which left Leilani with me. I don’t mind having her all to myself, but preferably not under these circumstances. She didn’t understand why her mommy was gone and why she couldn’t see her. We went to the bench outside the hospital and we both sat, crying and hugging each other until the sting went away. Then we went home. It’s been a rough month, health problems, job changes and emotional things have plagued our family. I can’t even begin to thank everyone who lifts my family up in prayer, but just know they are all appreciated and heard! God’s hearing you! How do I know you ask? Because He’s answering prayers. Prayers for new and better jobs, for caring doctors and nurses who use their wisdom to make her feel better, comfort for our sweet little girl when she misses her mommy and new days to try and do better. And donuts. Pink ones, chocolate ones, she’s never met one she didn’t like. And this day she liked them all and that made her happy. It gave her something to take her mind off of missing her mommy so much, so THAT made me happy. So eat a donut if it makes you feel better. And remember, Life happens!

Love y’all ~



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