I am Thankful~

I know-it's been a very long time since my last post-and a lot has happened-much more than I can cover in just one post-so over the next few weeks I will be posting much more frequently. Yay!!

I know-my post says "I am Thankful"-and for what, you ask?
I am Thankful for these people~My mom and my sister~

I am also Thankful for my many friends-the ones I've known over 30 years, the ones who are new to me-
this friend who truly "get's it" about my love for my animals~ Karen-you are my doggie-luvin-bestest-of-friends~

I am also thankful for these people~my sister-in-law and her daughter-the two front and center-and my nephew Aaron-2nd from the right in the back.

I am very Thankful for this young woman~even when we have our differences. Beka-I truly love you to the moon and back <3

I am SO thankful for animals-those I own, and those I have the honor of fostering-
Luna Belle-she's captured my heart ~

Luna and her kitty Simba~

Scarlet (in the middle)-she captured ALL of our hearts-and will be here until her FUR-ever home is found~

Peet-the "man" of the house!

I am thankful for a wonderful job, a roof over my head, friends and family who love me, my health, I could go on and on. I am richly blessed beyond my wildest dreams with riches of the heart-not material things. God has always, and continues to protect me and met my needs. It's so nice to look at all of the sale ads for Thanksgiving-and realize there's not one thing in there that I NEED.  I have it all.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and get to spend it with those you love~


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