Monday, Monday...

Hi everybody! I hope you had a great weekend. Hopefully I haven't been eaten by mosquitoes, we are being careful about that. Thanks for your DEET Sheila!!

Today-Monday October 11, 2010-(Matthew 5:6, 6:33)~
Today we will depart to Dolval, and hold a medical clinic, then travel to Acul Samedi in the late afternoon.  I am sure (and I can confirm this when I get back) that I have already been overwhelmed with the sights, sounds, and people of Haiti!  I can't wait to share my pictures, emotions and all the amazing things God did.
Please Pray specifically for~

The team to hunger and thirst for God like never before~
Wisdom when seeing patients and determining their needs~
Amidst the busyness, God will be their focus and will shine through team.

Have a wonderful day-Much LOVE!!


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