How big is a mustard see?

Yes, I know-it's been a very long time. But you see, it's been a very rough year so far too! Things are on the uphill swing though-and I can clearly see the light! Have you ever seen a mustard see?  They are WAY small!! SEE?

So you should think we could have AT LEAST that much faith-that's all we have to have-Matthew 17:20 (New International Version) 20He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."  But it's really hard sometimes.  Just when I think I've got that mustard seed licked-Satan comes and tries to blow it from my heart.  And if I can realize what's happening, before it goes too far-I can banish him-and keep my mustard sized faith-the faith that can move mountains if I ask it to.  I am taking my mustard seed with me everyday, I am taking it everywhere I go!  And I might just have to ask it to move a mountain-but I know it will, cause God said so, and I believe EVERYTHING He tells me! So, go now-hurry and get your own mustard seed-let it carry you through everyday and remind you that that's all the faith it takes to move mountains!

Have a wonderful weekend~


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